Independent Living Waiver (ILW)
Independent Living Waiver (ILW) is a program available to participants receiving Consumer Directed Services (CDS), those with a need for additional assistance to remain in the least restrictive environment.

The following benefits are available via Missouri’s Independent Living Waiver:
- Self-Directed Personal Care Services
- Financial Management Services
- Case Management
- Home Modifications – ramps, grab bars, specialized electric systems
- Specialized Medical Equipment / Supplies – lift chairs, wheelchairs, shower benches, commode chairs, adult diapers
- There is no hard cap on the amount of assistance persons can receive under this waiver
The Independent Living Waiver is similar to the Consumer-Directed State Plan Personal Care program, requiring the same eligibility criteria be met.
The participant must:
- Medicaid eligible (MO HealthNet eligible)
- 18 years of age to 64 years of age (Individuals who are enrolled in the ILW when they turn sixty-five (65) may remain enrolled in the ILW for as long as they maintain the ability and the desire to self-direct their personal care attendant services)
- If the individual also has a cognitive impairment, it must have manifested when the individual was 22 years old or older
- Able to direct their own care
- Capable of living independently with the services of CDS
- Require at least a nursing facility level of care.
- Must not be enrolled in any other waiver program, regardless of which state agency administers the waiver